Here you will find all the video games/demos I have developed either alone or in a team, with many different frameworks and libraries.
This is a demo of a video game which consists in guiding yourself through a world by just using sound waves, which you can see bounce and propagate.
Survival Game
This is a demo of a first person survival in which you have different weapons and an inventory. I made with Unreal Engine 4, to know how it worked and learn as many things as I could. (2015)
Baby Simulator
This game is a pretty weird game I made for an internal game jam organized by the Video Games Association of my university. Made with Unity. (2016)
5 Elementos
This demo was made with another 2 modelers. It is a third person action video game demonstration. Made with Unity. (2015)
The Tunnel
This was the very first complete game I made with Unity, with another friend. (2014)
Bring me honey
This was my entry for the Global Game Jam 2016, with a team of another programmer and 2 modelers. Made with Unity. (2016)
This was my entry for the Global Game Jam 2018. It is the first video game made with my engine Bang for a GGJ. (2018)