
This program was my final master thesis, done with the engine I created before (Bang).

It uses PBR textures to add interesting effects to models. You can compose PBR texture effects using different layers. It is thought to be used to create aging effects, but it can actually be used for whatever needed. 

The techniques used to generate each layer of PBR textures are: ambient occlusion, white noise, simplex noise, blue noise, voronoi diagrams, edge detection, normals detection, you can also paint PBR textures over the 3D model with a brush, texture blur, 3D surface blur, pull push to avoid seams. All of them are implemented in real time, in GLSL.

Below you have images of some effects. All effects you see do not modify the mesh at all, it’s just textures modifying normal maps, roughness, metallic and albedo.